Such was his impact that he is called the Pope of Pop Art. Nevertheless his screenprinted images of Marilyn Monroe soup cans and sensational newspaper stories quickly became synonymous with Pop art. The Most Famous Art Movements And Styles Artland Magazine Andy Warhol Artwork Pop Art Marilyn Andy Warhol Pop Art The American artist named Andy Warhol played a significant part in the movement of Pop art and was a huge influence on Pop art. . Andy Warhol is known for his bright colourful paintings and prints of subjects ranging from celebrities including Marilyn Monroe and Mohammed Ali to everyday products such as cans of soup and Brillo pads. Andy Warhol is probably best known for his Campbells Soup Cans paintings but most people dont know that he didnt generate that idea. His paintings revolutionized the perception of art. By far Andy Warhol is best known for his paintings of Campbells soup cans. Apart from Andy Warhol Eduar...
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